David Austin Rose Bouquet


A bouquet of gorgeous David Austin roses, freshly picked from our micro flower farm. These incredibly fragrant, blousy multi- petalled roses flower abundantly in Spring and Autumn in Bridgetown. With a range of pretty colours to delight, these beauties are organically grown (pesticide free) so you can safely bury your nose in the blooms and inhale their scent. The number of stems in the bunch will be between 12 - 24 depending on stem length. Longest stemmed bunches -12 stems. Shorter stems - up to 24 :-)

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A bouquet of gorgeous David Austin roses, freshly picked from our micro flower farm. These incredibly fragrant, blousy multi- petalled roses flower abundantly in Spring and Autumn in Bridgetown. With a range of pretty colours to delight, these beauties are organically grown (pesticide free) so you can safely bury your nose in the blooms and inhale their scent. The number of stems in the bunch will be between 12 - 24 depending on stem length. Longest stemmed bunches -12 stems. Shorter stems - up to 24 :-)

A bouquet of gorgeous David Austin roses, freshly picked from our micro flower farm. These incredibly fragrant, blousy multi- petalled roses flower abundantly in Spring and Autumn in Bridgetown. With a range of pretty colours to delight, these beauties are organically grown (pesticide free) so you can safely bury your nose in the blooms and inhale their scent. The number of stems in the bunch will be between 12 - 24 depending on stem length. Longest stemmed bunches -12 stems. Shorter stems - up to 24 :-)